Ruang PJOK SMA Kelas 11

by Hicaltech 87



*Hicaltech87 [Physical Education at Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya] Present* Content Collaborator: Physical Education Student at Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya Class of 2020 (The product of a multimedia assignment in the Information Technology Literacy course which is one of the mandatory courses in the Physical Education Department, Siliwangi University)The Class 11 SMA PJOK Room application is an application created to make it easier to learn teaching materials in the form of motion, etc. on PJOK subjects at the 11th grade high school level.In this application there is a menu of semester 1 and 2 materialsSemester 1 materials included are as follows:1. Passing the Inside of the Leg2. Passing the Instep3. Passing the Outside of the Foot4. Ball Control5. Inner Foot Dribble6. Instep Dribble7. Outer Foot Dribble8. Volleyball Down Pass9. Passing Over Volleyball10. Basketball Chest Pass11. Basketball Overhead Pass12. Basketball Bounce Pass13. Basketball Dribble14. Shooting Basketball15. Badminton Racket Grip16. Badminton Service17. Start Squat Running Short Distance18. Short Distance Running Position19. Short Distance Running Finish Position20. HIV & AIDSFor Semester 21. Definition of Physical Activity and Exercise2. Coordination3. Muscle Explosion (Power)4. Agility5. Balance6. Flexibility7. Rhythmic Motion8. Backstroke Swimming9. Breaststroke SwimmingThis application still has many shortcomings, please enter and suggestions that are constructive. For the progress of this application in future updates. Thanks.